the art of designing pictures and text for books, magazines, advertising, etc.
When I decided to study Graphic Design I had a rather blurry image of what was waiting for me. During the time I’ve spent in „die Graphische“ I learned about many things a designer should be capable of that sometimes baffled and sometimes amazed me.

Looking back, I feel like my horizon widened a lot over the last years. There were many subjects I disliked when I was younger which I actually enjoy a lot nowadays. Especially typography is one of those topics that managed to make me more and more passionate.

School Project
Task: Creating four freecards that promote our school
Marina and the Diamonds

School Project
Task: Designing a website for either a band or a movie
The Legend of Zelda

School Project
Task: Designing a CD packaging with focus on special grafting and print options

School Project
Task: Making a ReDesign of the AKH Logo, defining a new claim plus designing a T-Shirt and a Lunchbox for blood donors
Info graphics

Internship at Monopol
Task: Designing various info graphics for Schrödingers Katze